Кабинет министров продлил “адаптивный карантин” до 31 августа 2020 года. Общие правила, по которым будет жить страна в условиях продленного адаптивного карантина – “масочный” режим, социальная дистанция и антисептики. Такое решение было принято на заседании 22 июля с учетом роста количества коронабольных. Заседание опубликовано на YouTubе-канале Кабмина. Одновременно изменены принципы “адаптивного карантина”. Теперь все регионы страны по заболеваемости будут делиться на “зеленую”, “желтую”, “оранжевую” и “красную” зоны. В зависимости от эпидемиологической ситуации – в регионе будет действовать либо легкий карантин, либо более жесткий.
“Уровень будет определяться автоматизированным программным обеспечением на основе определенных алгоритмов. Будет мониторинг на уровне области показателей, используемых в настоящее время: загруженность коек — не более 50%; среднее количество тестирований — не менее 24 на 100 000 населения, коэффициент выявления случаев инфицирования — не более 11%, показатель динамики роста случаев — не более 10% “, — пояснил Максим Степанов, министр здравоохранения Украины.
В регионах, которые стабильно находятся в зеленой зоне, будут действовать такие ограничения: обязательный “масочный” режим в общественных зданиях; проведение массовых мероприятий — в пределах от одного человека на 5 кв. метров; кинотеатры, театры — заполненность на 50%, перевозки пассажиров только на сидячих местах.
“Регионы, которые постоянно в зеленой зоне, не требуют вмешательства и усиления противоэпидемических мероприятий национального уровня. Если индикаторы изменяются 5 дней подряд, то сразу регион или его админтерриториальная единица будет в желтом или оранжевом уровне”, — добавил Максим Степанов.
Премьер Денис Шмыгаль подчеркнул: «Мы все видим, что нынешний подход к карантинным ограничениям даёт свои плоды и возможность контролировать эпидситуацию. Потому такой подход будет продлён, для недопущения пиков и перегрузки системы здравоохранения».
Использование материалов разрешается только при условии наличия прямой ссылки на адрес материала на сайте www.yuzhny.info.
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Think about it like a PowerPoint, but for the
web. With this in mind, Slideshare blog site posts assist you
promote your Slideshare so that it can create a consistent stream of visitors.
Unlike blog sites, Slideshare decks do not typically rank well on online search engine, so they require a platform for getting
their message out there to the individuals
who are looking for it. Required some Slideshare ideas?
In the example above, we turned our company’s” Culture Code “into a
Slideshare presentation that anybody can look through and take lessons from, and after that
promoted it in a blog site post. “Newsjacking” is a nickname for” hijacking” your blog site to break important news related to your market.
The newsjack example above was published by Houzz, a home decoration merchant and
interior decoration resource, about a brand-new mobile app
that released simply for interior designers. Houzz
didn’t introduce the app, but the news of its introducing is no less important
to Houzz’s audience. The infographic post serves a similar purpose as
the Slideshare post the 4th example, described above
in that it conveys details for which plain blog copy might not be the very best format.|
helps readers keep in mind the info long after they leave your website.
For this example, you need not look any further than the post you’re checking out
right now! How-to guides like this one help solve an issue for your readers.
They resemble a cookbook for your market, strolling your audience through a job step
by action to improve their literacy on the subject. Visitor
posts are a type of blog post that you can utilize
to consist of other voices on your blog site. For example, if you wish to
get an outside professional’s opinion on a topic, a visitor post
is best for that. Furthermore, these posts provide your blog range in topic and perspective.|In this post,
this ultimate, step-by-step guide, we’ll share
suggestions used by professional freelance authors to produce spellbinding posts that are adored by thousands.
You’ll find out the secrets to crafting irresistible headings, seducing intros, captivating
advice, and inspirational closings. You’ll even find out how the pros fine-tune and polish their posts once they’re completed composing them.|
Let’s dive in. Wish to know one of the greatest errors bloggers make?
Writing post before the headings (aka post titles). Without
a heading, they have no roadmap to follow. And so their post enters numerous instructions, leaving readers feeling lightheaded,
baffled and disoriented. And then they attempt to produce a
heading that accepts all that madness.|
Your headline will be your map, your writing
navigation system, letting you understand which literary roadways to
pick and which to avoid so that readers reach the designated location as easily and efficiently as possible.
Desire your article to get opened? Then your headline
needs to promise readers the really answer to whatever is torturing them.|
Your heading needs to not promise them a journey to
the moon and back readers are way too speedy for such
shenanigans. Keep the advantage specific and narrow, and readers will feel obliged to click and get the solution to
what’s bugging them. How do you discover what’s badgering your readers?
How do you know which of your numerous post ideas should be
pursued? Research: Evaluation discuss your posts and on posts of other websites in your specific niche.|
Use tools like BuzzSumo to discover out what the most popular
posts in your specific niche are (which gives insight into your target readers’ needs).
Read the evaluations of books in your specific niche
on Amazon (you’ll find a cash cow of feedback to explore).
You have one obligation as a blog writer yup, simply one.|
The better you understand them, the much better you serve.
Before you understand it, you’ll understand them so totally they’ll
seem like you’re reading their minds, and your headings will reflect that.
Let’s say you’re in the self-improvement space and you wrote the headline listed below:
How to Produce an Amazing Life This headline is so broad it’s unlikely to draw readers in.
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