Комиссия по вопросам техногенно-экологической безопасности и чрезвычайных ситуаций Южненского горсовета предполагает, что радиоактивное оборудование, о котором сообщала Служба безопасности Украины, ранее использовалось для фотофиксации с вертолетов, работавших в зоне отчуждения Чернобыльской АЭС. Об этом сообщил председатель комиссии по чрезвычайным ситуациям Дмитрий Любивый в репортаже студии “МИГ”, передает “Избирком”.
“Во время обследования территории, а она мониторится, был выявлен источник радиации. Это предприятие сегодня находится в собственности государства и на стадии ликвидации. Оно будет выставлено для приватизации. Так как они много лет занимаются переработкой разных приборов, техники, в том числе военной, и каким-то образом (сейчас выясняется каким) туда какое-то время назад, очевидно уже давно, попало два прибора, которые имеют завышенный фон радиации. Предварительно они похожи на те, что устанавливались на вертолетной технике, которая работала в Чернобыле для фотофиксации объектов. Хорошо, что они находились внутри закрытого помещения, когда вокруг здания обследовали фон – он был в норме” – рассказал Дмитрий Любивый.
По его словам, опасный груз захоронят на территории спецполигона у населенного пункта Знаменка Одесской области. Напомним, СБУ обнаружила в Южном радиоактивные предметы в одном из производственных помещений местного государственного научно-производственного центра. Начав уголовное производство силовики проверили место происшествия и выяснили, что в одном из герметичных ангаров предприятия находится оборудование, радиоактивное излучение которого превышало установленные нормы более чем 500 раз.
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Think about it like a PowerPoint, however for the web.
With this in mind, Slideshare blog site posts help you promote your Slideshare so that it
can produce a consistent stream of visitors. Unlike blog sites, Slideshare decks do not frequently rank well on search
engines, so they need a platform for getting their message
out there to the individuals who are trying to find it.
Need some Slideshare ideas? In the example above, we turned our business’s” Culture Code “into
a Slideshare presentation that anyone can browse
and take lessons from, and after that promoted it in a post.
“Newsjacking” is a nickname for” hijacking” your blog site to break crucial news associated to
your industry. The newsjack example above was published by Houzz,
a house decor merchant and interior decoration resource, about a brand-new mobile app that released simply
for interior designers. Houzz didn’t launch the app,
however the news of its introducing is no less crucial to Houzz’s
audience. The infographic post serves a similar purpose as
the Slideshare post the 4th example, explained above because it conveys details for which plain blog copy might not be the
finest format.|
helps readers remember the information long after they
leave your site. For this example, you need not look any further than the article you’re checking out right now!
How-to guides like this one help resolve an issue for your readers.
They’re like a cookbook for your market, walking your audience through a task step
by action to improve their literacy on the topic.
Visitor posts are a kind of post that you can use to consist of other voices on your blog.
For example, if you wish to get an outside expert’s opinion on a subject, a
guest post is best for that. Additionally, these posts provide your blog site range in subject and viewpoint.|In this post, this ultimate, detailed
guide, we’ll share tips utilized by expert freelance writers to create
spellbinding posts that are loved by thousands.
You’ll discover the tricks to crafting irresistible headlines, seducing introductions, captivating recommendations, and inspirational closings.
You’ll even find out how the pros refine and polish their posts once they’re completed composing them.|
Let’s dive in. Wish to know one of the biggest errors bloggers make?
Composing article prior to the headings (aka post titles).
Without a headline, they have no roadmap to follow.
And so their post enters multiple instructions, leaving readers feeling woozy, confused
and disoriented. And then they try to produce
a heading that welcomes all that insanity.|
Your headline will be your map, your composing navigation system, letting you understand which
literary roads to pick and which to avoid so that readers reach the desired destination as easily
and effectively as possible. Desire your post to get opened?
Then your heading needs to assure readers the really answer to whatever is torturing
Your headline needs to not assure them a trip to the moon and back readers
are way too speedy for such shenanigans. Keep the
benefit particular and narrow, and readers will feel obliged to click and get
the service to what’s bugging them. How do you learn what’s bugging your readers?
How do you know which of your lots of post concepts should
be pursued? Research: Evaluation talk about your posts
and on posts of other sites in your niche.|
Use tools like BuzzSumo to learn what the most popular posts in your specific niche are (which offers insight into your target readers’ requirements).
Check out the evaluations of books in your specific niche on Amazon (you’ll discover a
cash cow of feedback to check out). You have one duty as a blogger yup, simply one.|
The much better you understand them, the much better you serve.
Before you understand it, you’ll understand them so totally they’ll feel like
you’re reading their minds, and your headlines will reflect that.
Let’s say you remain in the self-improvement space and you composed the heading below:
How to Produce an Amazing Life This heading is so broad it’s unlikely to draw readers in.
my website: Maira